- Kurinaxx's sandtraps are non-functional
- Rajaxx fight does not come in waves.
- Rajaxx fight does not have friendly NPC's.
- Buru occassionally will not drop loot.
- Buru is not taunt-immune
- Buru does not do Creeping Plague in phase 2
- Buru can be bugged into corner crevice.
- Ayramiss' adds end up in random spots when boss is dead leaving raid in combat.
- Ossirian's crystal do not unbuff as they should
- Ossirian can be bugged on stairs.
- Bosses should not respawn.
- Jeklik unattainable unless DK or druid around
- Jeklik's bats cannot be targetted
- Jeklik's bat bomb fires are not visible.
- Thekal: killing all three within 10sec not required
- Thekal is supposed to turn into a Tiger.
- Arlokk does not seem to do backstab
- Arlokk's adds aren't doing as much damage as they should (?)
- Mandokir's ghosts do not resurrect.
- Mandokir 'focus' does not work, supposed to be able to hide from him.
- Mandokir can be bugged on stairs.
- Mandokir does not 'level up' and grow larger when killing a player.
- Mandokir does not reset properly after a wipe, he despawns and is not targetable.
- Jin'do's shades don't seem to interrupt spellcasting
- Jin'do's shades may not be doing as much damage as they should (?)
- Hakkar does not seem to do blood siphon.
- Edge of Madness not scripted.
- Don't need to kill corehounds all at once
- Baron does not do fire AoE.
- Golemagg can be pulled without adds
- Sulfuron's adds are not linked, not all pull.
- Majordomo adds can be pulled without boss
- Razorgore will bug after eggs are killed and lock threat with controller, good to have vanish/feign death
- Razorgore's adds may need scaled down. Namely shadowbolt and rain of fire.
- Razorgore's eggs should not be clickable.
- Razorgore does not reset properly when wiping.
- Vaelstratz does not do his 'burn/bomb' debuff making him incredibly easy.
- Suppression room does not have debuff (thank god)
- Nefarian will not come down properly without a 70+ priest sitting on throne during pull.
- Nefarian's class debuffs only work for Paladin/Hunter/Rogue.
- The 3 mobs in front of Chromag should hit much harder.
- Bosses should not respawn.
- Skeram's Arcane Explosion is not interruptible.
- Skeram's Mind Control is not based on proximity.
- Bug Trio can be pulled separately.
- Sartura does not threat drop.
- Sartura's Whirlwind does very little damage.
- Viscidus does not require frost attacks.
- Huhuran either does too much damage or nature resist isn't working like it should.
- Twins rarely drop loot. If they do, only 1 does.
- Bosses should not respawn.
- Azurgos in Azshara resets/evades frequently during fight.
- Ysondre in Ashenvale cannot be pulled more than 40yds from where she sits.
- Several trash mobs in raids and bosses in dungeons are stunnable when they should not be.
- Father Flame in UBRS does not spawn boss when clicked.
- Door to first boss in UBRS closes too fast.