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Nature Resist

  • Check AH for 'of nature' gear.
  • Do quests in Silithus, 2 or 3 NR gear rewards. (ring/neck/legs)

## MATS ##
[Bloodvine] ZG
[Living Essence] Dire Maul/Un'Goro
[Larval Acid] EPL

## HEAD ##
[Runic Plate Helm] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Bramblewood Helm] Leather/Leatherworking
[Sylvan Crown] Cloth/Tailoring
[Enchant: +10 NR] Zandalar honored
Gyth in UBRS drops a headpiece for all classes. Chance to have +15 NR.

## NECK ##
Broken quest in Silithus or first boss in AQ40.

[Runic Plate Shoulders] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Acid-etched Pauldrons] Plate/Strat UD
[Acid Inscribed Pauldrons] Plate/Ysondre(World)
[Unnatural Leather Spaulders] Leather/Taerar(World)
[Sylvan Shoulders] Cloth/Tailoring
[Enchant: +5 NR] Argent Dawn revered

## BACK ##
[Gaea's Embrace] Cloth/Tailoring
[Green Dragonskin Cloak] Cloth/World Dragon
[Enchant: +15 NR]

## CHEST ##
[Ironvine Breastplate] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Sandstalker Breastplate] Mail/Leatherworking
[Dreamscale Breastplate] Mail/Leatherworking
[Sylvan Vest] Cloth/Tailoring

## WRIST ##
[Sandstalker Bracers] Mail/Leatherworking
Lord Incendius in BRD drops bracers for all classes. Chance to have +15 NR.

## HANDS ##
[Ironvine Gloves] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Darkspinner Claws] Mail/Strat UD
[Sandstalker Gauntlets] Mail/Leatherworking

## WAIST ##
[Ironvine Belt] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Bramblewood Belt] Leather/Leatherworking
[Master's Belt of Nature Resistance] Cloth/World drop
[Belt of the Dark Bog] Cloth/Lethon

## LEGS ##
[Runic Plate Leggings] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Crypt Stalker Leggings] Leather/Strat UD
[Brusslehide Leggings] Leather/Maraudon
[Wolfshear Leggings] Cloth/LBRS
[Enchant: +10 NR] Zandalar honored
Quest in Silithus for all classes that gives +25 NR: [The Calling]

## FEET ##
[Runic Plate Boots] Plate/Blacksmithing
[Acid Inscribed Greaves] Plate/World Dragon
[Boots of the Endless Moor] Mail/Emeris
[Bramblewood Boots] Leather/Leatherworking
[Fangdrip Runners] Cloth/Strat UD

## FINGER ##
[Petrified Band] Felwood
[Peridot Circle] World drop/+15-22 NR
[Band of Cenarius] Silithus quest
[Malfurion's Signet Ring] World Dragon/Quest item

[Heart of Noxxion] Maraudon/Not unique, grab 2

## WEAPON ##
[Thornstone Sledgehammer] World drop
[Glowing Brightwood Staff] World drop
[Polished Ironwood Crossbow] World Dragon
[Staff of Rampant Growth] World Dragon

[Husk of Nerub'enkan] Strat UD

Click here for more details.

ZG Rep:
Bijous: +125 (75 + 50) rep per
Coins: +75 (25 + 50) per 1 set
- Zulian/Razzashi/Hakkari
- Gurubashi/Vilebranch/Witherbark
- Sandfury/Skullsplitter/Bloodscalp
* All turned in on tiny northwest island in STV. *

Cenarion Circle Rep:
- 10 texts = +250 rep
- 3 crests = +75 rep
- 3 signets = +250 rep
- 3 scepters = +350 rep
* All turned into tauren in Cenarion Hold *

Thorium Brotherhood Rep:
[Neutral only]
- 2x Incendosaur Scales + 10x Heavy Leather
- 2x Incendosaur Scales + 4x Iron Bars
- 2x Incendosaur Scales + 4x Kingsblood
= +25 rep

[Friendly only]
- 100x Dark Iron Residue = +625 rep
- 4x Dark Iron Residue = +25 rep

- 1x Fiery/Lava Core = +500 rep
- 2x Core Leather = +350 rep
- 10x Dark Iron Ore = +? rep
- 1x Blood of the Mountain = +? rep

* Neutral, Friendly must talk to dwarf in Thorium Point, Searing Gorge *
* Honored+ must talk to dwarf in Grim Guzzler room, BRD *

Argent Dawn Rep:
- 20x Minion Scourgestones
- 10x Invader Scourgestones
- 1x Corruptor Scourgestone
= +125 rep

Brood of Nozdormu Rep:
- Qiraji Lord's Insignia = +500 rep
- Ancient Qiraji Artifact = +1000 rep

World Bosses
TaerarDuskwoodCenterNatureInterupt fears, avoid poison clouds
AzuregosAzsharaSoutheastFrostAvoid blizzardResets/evades around 80% hp
YsondreAshenvaleNortheastNatureAvoid poison cloudsCan't bring down ramp
LethonHinterlandsNortheastShadowAvoid poison cloudsBoss does AoE stun every 25% and full heals.

(this group requires prist black diamond, 2 large brills)
- [Focus]: (2x skin of shadow + 2 extra large brills(4))
- [Rapidity]: (2x blood of heroes)
- [Protection]: (2x frayed abomination)
(this group requires black diamond, and 30g)
- [Voracity]: +8 int/str/spirit/stam/agil (can only choose 1) (4x Whipper Root Tuber, 4x Crystal Force)
- [Resilience]: (4x Crystal Spire, 1x Burning Essence)
- [Constitution]: +100 HP (4x Night Dragon's Breath, 1x Lung Juice Cocktail)
- [Tenacity]: (4x Crystal Ward, 1x Eye of Kajal)
- [Rumination]: (1x Black Blood of the Tormented, 1x Gizzard Gum)

Darkmoon Faire
- Warlords = Heroism = DM:North = +120-180hp on melee hit
- Portals = Twisting Nether = Scholo = 10% chance to res
- Beasts = Blue Dragon = UBRS = 100% mana reg for 15s on spell cast
- Elementals = Maelstrom = BRD/DM:E = 200-300 dmg on melee hit

* The Darkmoon Faire alternates between Thunderbluff, Goldshire, and Shattrah. *
* The Darkmoon Faire always starts the first day of the month. *

Felwood Plants
- Corrupted Songflower = [Songflower Serenade] (5% crit)
- Corrupted Windblossom = [Windblossom Berries]
- Corrupted Night Dragon (4 salves) = [Night Dragon's Breath] (2min cooldown)
- Corrupted Whipper Root = [Whipper Root Tuber] (2min cooldown)

* Requires 2-4 salves: * do not use same plant twice * *
* Salves are acquired through mining/skinning/herbalism and killing mobs if you have Cenarion Beacon *
* NPC is found near curve in the road after Emerald Sanctuary(South) *

Silithus Bosses
Lesser bosses: Requires 3/3 Twilight Set (drops off mobs in twilight camps)
Regular bosses: Requires Twilight Set + Neck
Greater bosses: Requires Twilight Set + Neck + Ring
* The neck and ring are acquired from the female night-elf to the left of the inn in Cenarion Hold *

Hit Rating
8% for hunters
8% for 2 hander
11% for dual wield
16% for casters

Hit trinkets:
[Rune of the Guard Captain] (+10 hit) comes from a quest in Hinterlands.
[High-powered Flashlight] (+24 hit) comes from Engineering, mats:
4x [Thorium Widget]
6x [Truesilver Bar]
6x [Essence of Fire]

ZG Enchants
Head/Leg Enchant: Requires Primal Hakkari Idol + Punctured Voodoo Doll(class specific) + Honored Rep
* NPC is located inside ZG at top of the stairs near Spider/Raptor boss *
Pally: +10 def/+12 spell power/+10 stam
Warlock: +18 spell power/+10 stam
Mage: +18 spell power/+8 hit
Priest: +13 spell power/+5 mp5/+10 stam
Shaman: +15 int/+13 spell power
Hunter: +24 ap/+10 hit/+10 stam
Warrior: +30 shield block/+10 def/+10 stam
Rogue: +28 ap/+12 dodge
Druid: +12 spell power/+10 int/+10 stam

Shoulder Enchant: Required x15 Zandalar Honor Tokens + Exalted Rep
* NPC is located on small northwest island in STV *
[+18 spell power]
[+30 attack power]

[Flask of Supreme Power]:
- Recipe drops in Scholomance from Ras Frostwhisper
- Mats: 7x Dreamfoil, 3x Mountain Silversage, 1x Black Lotus
[Flask of Distilled Wisdom]:
- Recipe drops in Stratholme from Balnazar
- Mats: 7x Dreamfoil, 3x Icecap, 1x Black Lotus
[Flask of Titans]:
- Recipe drops in UBRS off of General Drak
- Mats: 7x Gromsblood, 3x Stonescale Oil, 1x Black Lotus

- Smelt Dark Iron: Learned in BRD in Room of Seven (dwarf ghosts)
- Requires: 2x Star Ruby, 10x Truesilver Bar, 20x Gold Bar
- Smelt Elementium: Learned in BWL from goblin after Firemaw
- Dark Iron(FR) Plans: Requires Thorium Brotherhood rep

- Copper/Tin/Silver: Ghostlands (along Dead Scar)
- Iron: Thousand Needles
- Mithril:
- Thorium:
- Dark Iron: MC/BRD/Searing Gorge/Burning Steppes

- Silverleaf/Peacebloom: Circle of herbs near Hogger that respawn every 60-90s.
- Redridge Mountains, Alterac Mountains, Swamp of Sorrows, Burning Steppes
- Gromsblood: Felwood west side


Nature Resist Reputation World Bosses Librams Darkmoon Faire Felwood Plants Silithus Bosses Hit Rating ZG Enchants Flasks Professions