Thursday, October 27, 2016



Chromaggus' breaths are unique in that they do not only affect the front of Chromaggus, but hit everything within LoS of Chromaggus. In each new instance, Chromaggus will use two of five possible breaths. This combination will stay with him for the remainder of the instance timer.

Incinerate : Red - 3675-4275 Fire damage. (This spell will hit for nearly 9000 Fire damage if you have the Black Affliction)
Corrosive Acid : Green - Deals 875 to 1125 Nature damage every 3 sec for 15 seconds. Armour reduced by 3938 to 5062.
Frost Burn : Blue - Attack speed reduced by 80%. Does approximately 1400 Frost damage.
Ignite Flesh : Black - 657-843 Fire damage every three seconds for 60 seconds. This can stack if he casts it again within the 60 seconds the debuff lasts for.
Time Lapse : Bronze - Stun for 6 seconds, reduces maximum health points to half. This ability used to permanently reduce threat, but does not do so as of patch 2.0.1. As with all stuns, Chromaggus will attack non-stunned characters first. THIS BREATH WILL EFFECTIVELY HEAL YOU WHEN IT WEARS OFF.
A breath is cast every 30 seconds, and the 2 breaths alternate.