** Must have 2 tanks and 2 heals. **- Wrath of Ragnaros (melee) - used about every 25sec, those in range are sent flying up- and backwards while also wiping threat
- Hammer of Ragnaros (??yd) - random raid member with a mana bar is targeted with those in proximity being knocked back
- Lava splash (lava proximity) - AoE at random to those close to lava flow
- Elemental fire - DoT (4800 over 8sec) inflicted to target with aggro
- Magma blast (??yd) - ranged attack that inflicts 4000-6000dmg (used only when nobody is in melee range)
- Melt weapons - weapon durability degrades quicker per hit
- Summon sons of flame (see phase 2 in battle strategies)
Battle Strategies
Phase 1
- MT and OT position themselves in a way so that they land in lava (not ground) after Wrath of Ragnaros
- MT starts in melee, while OT is positioned few yards behind MT ready to take aggro immediately after Wrath of Ragnaros
- Tanks must be comfortable moving through lava for this to work
- mDPS should move out before every Wrath of Ragnaros so as not to take fall damage or risk dying in lava
- rDPS and healers should spread out, back against wall, yet not risk being out of range at any point (including healers when Wrath of Ragnaros is done to tank)
- Healers be ready to also heal tank that is in lava in case
- Levitate may be useful to hover over lava and decrease travelling time (?)
- Ragnaros will submerge himself for 90sec and summon adds: AoE to clear
- Same as for above strategy, but healers will have to heal both tanks after Wrath of Ragnaros to prevent a death from fall damage
- Slow fall, levitate, Noggenfogger elixir... may all be extremely useful in this case if used at the right time