- Inferno (??yd radius) - a pseudo-channeled PBAoE that does incremental damage per pulse for 6-10 total pulses (500-3000 damage per pulse)
- Counter - positioned at max range
- Ignite mana (35yd) - DoT and mana burn over time
- Counter - dispel healer > mana-based DPS > rest
- Living bomb (??yd) - turns player into a living bomb, who will explode after 10sec and inflict 3200dmg to him/herself as well as those nearby as well as be catapulted vertically
- Counter - ice block, cloak of shadows, and divine shield can negate it completely
- Eruption (melee range) - at 2% health Baron will explode in 5sec, inflicting major damage
Battle Strategies
Tank'n'Spank (minimum 1 tanks, 1-2 healers, 2 DPS, 1 dispel)
- Baron's movement is ridiculous right now, and he seems to come at random, so tank must pull carefully
- Those affected by living bomb have to move away from all raid members and, ideally, be under the roof of the mouth of the cave behind the party (prevent fall damage -> death)
- Have CD-abilities ready for when Baron is at 2% health and/or move away from tank so that only he dies