** Usually good idea for tank to kite around. **
- Shadow bolt (40yd) - done every 6sec for 2000-2500dmg with 0.5sec cast.
- Counter - aniticipate spell disruption every 6sec
- Rain of fire (40yd, 10yd radius)) -
- Counter - move well out of spell radius as soon as possible; consume fire resist potions
- Gehennas' curse (45yd) - 75% reduction In healing effects
- Counter - decurse tank > low-HP members > healers > rest
Flamewaker Protectors
- Fist of ragnaros (8yd) - stuns nearby enemies for 4sec
- Sunder armor (melee) - stacks up to 20
- Strike (melee)
Battle Strategies
Tank'n'Spank (minimum 2 tanks, 1-2 healers, 2 DPS, 1 decurse)
- Tank pulls protector on far right so that only he and Gehennas pull
- Tanks separate Gehennas from protector so that MT is not hit by stun
- Move out of the rain of fire as soon as possible (disrupt your casts)