ZG Trash Mobs
- Tank faces raid since snakes have a stackable, cone-like poison AoE affecting those in front
- Caution on number aggro'd due to the stackable nature of their poison
Axe Throwers
- Tank should continue moving so that they don't start their whirlwind, but don't move into raid in case one is started
- Respectable knockback so tank should keep back against wall or back towards safe zone
Bat riders
- Nobody should stay in proximity to bat riders when they prepare (i.e channel) to AoE suicide/explode at 10-30% HP - you have 5-6sec to GTFO
Blood drinkers
- They have a moderate-range instant HP drain ability, so rDPS and healers should be close to max range if it's safe
- Everyone should focus one blood drinker at a time with one person stunning them when close to 1/3rd HP to stop any HP draining
- Typically killed last in a fight against multiple targets
- They heal, so should be focused first
- They have a mana-immunity bubble, so don't waste spells when it is up - use physical DPS
- Knockback is nuts - really need to stick back against wall against these guys or else you might fly across the zone (half-joking here)